Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Godzilla Zen

I was just reading Brad Warner's Blog Hardcore Zen. I envy Brad Warner. He has found a way to practice Zen, and make a living at something that is very cool: Japanese Kitsch Culture. He also clings to his Punk Rock days as the Bass Player for the non-famous band Zero Defex. This is his motivation for the label "Hardcore," he shrewdly exploits for his teachings.

Anyway, his blog is very good. Like his books, he doesn't attempt to appeal to the mainstream narrative of Traditional Buddhism. Although, some would accuse him of focusing on only peripheral aspects of Traditional Japanese Zen Buddhism, rejecting other, just as essential aspects. I personally don't have a problem with that tack the way I would have back when I was a monk in a Chinese Order. This is exactly what Buddhism needs right now. Brad would argue back that his focus isn't peripheral at all, but actually cuts right to the Heart of the Matter.

How Buddhism in America eventually develops probably won't be known to any of us alive today. It certainly wouldn't be a leap to say it will not look much like it does now. Maybe Brad Warner will be remembered, maybe not. Maybe the Temple altars of the future will display statues of Godzilla.

Whether one method works or not is all a relative thing, is it not?

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